Elvendel's Terror 1



On the other hand, as soon as Blade saw the power surge, he made his way back to the palace. 

At first, he did not plan on running away but just wanted to take a breather and watch the waters from the hilltop and reminisce about the times he had with his beloved and the unfortunate incidents they had come to face.

It was in that situation he found out that she was still alive and his lost hope, rekindled.

Just as he got to the palace, making haste to prepare supplies so he could go after her and run away with her if possible, he got surrounded.

"Halt in the name of the king," a familiar voice commanded.

"Damn it. Can't an elf move around as he please?" Blade muttered under his breath before turning around to see the soldiers.

It was none other than General Aelfdene. He took in a deep breath upon coming face to face with one of his fathers' trusted soldiers.