



~Days Ago~

As she wandered about in the palace she stumbled upon the training grounds and curiously she went to see what they were up to. Right before her eyes, she saw how the elves and fairies co-existed. 

If not for some distinct qualities like the colours of their hairs, she would not have been able to distinguish them from each other.

That was how two races came to become one. After a while of admiring the sight before her, she turned to her right and kept on moving at the side of the training grounds, careful enough not to get noticed.

Soon she saw a separate courtyard with two people, a girl and a boy both training with swords. They were both putting on a pair of black leather pants and where the girl wore a long-sleeved button-down leather shirt, he wore a black singlet.

They both had sweats dripping from their foreheads and the side of their faces.