

CHAPTER 479 – Record

In as much as he told her the next day was another day, Draco was scared. Any moment from that day, the races would all arrive at their borders.

War was on its way.

He for one was not happy about it but he had unfinished business with the realm and its kingdoms. It was time to take the matter to them and tell them he was not afraid.

Thank goodness Isadora was not there to take the lead in the fight. His daughter had suffered a lot. He was not willing to let her go through this battle alone like she did last time.

'Enough of being so lazy about it all.' Draco thought as he made his way to the training ground where Liliath and Astrid were already trying out her wings.

"Good morning your majesty," Liliath greeted with a slight bow and stood straight as she paved the way for Astrid to greet her grandfather.

"Gramps, good morning," Astrid yelled with glee from where she stood.