Found You [Bonus chapter]


CHAPTER 493 – Found You

While the others marched, another set rushed towards Fortland with all they had. They had seen so much going on in the sky and right now, Snow could no longer take chances.

"Slow down, Snow," Nerissa called out.

"I wish I could," he cried out. "Master needs me now. The battle would soon start. I must be by her side and establish the master and beast contract."

"I know but what would happen if you face a threat on the road at this stage? You are already too exhausted. Listen to Nerissa and rest while we can. Once we arrive it would be preparation and the contract would take a toll on us."

"Which is why, mother, we need to arrive this night, so that we can rest and by dawn, we do what needs to be done." He stopped and turned around to see them catch up to it.

"I do not know about you all, but I miss her so much. Being apart from her is eating me up and I feel so lost."