Exposed: True Nature 1



"You will pay for this."

"Haha haha, she did not waste a second and acted in merriment. I thought she was wiser and she would see through it or be sceptical and wait for our arrival. It seems she wasn't as smart or she was enticed by the pull of your grandfather in making her take the throne for herself."

'Of course, but many of us did not believe and when I got your message, your highness that I should meet you if there was a problem, I knew things were not simple," Francis chipped in.

"You have done well." His eyes remained on Cyrena as he spoke. He loved the fear in those beady eyes of hers.

It proved to him that the wicked can be brought to justice and that was exactly what was going to happen.

Without uttering any more words, he snickered at his sister and turned his horse around. "We march back to the palace. We have returned from battle."