You Have Our Blessing



Things rounded up nicely and everyone set out again after setting their next meeting date and left. Liliath got a better feel and respect for the price.

It was a shame that the queen who ruled them now suffered so much and needed time to let go. That was the time these young lovers did not have, however.

Upon reaching home, Astrid was immediately handed the letter. Her heart leapt with bounds but she masked her feelings and nodded.

Upon reading it, she did not find something so big in it, other than he would fight for their love and he misses her dearly. Let's not forget with some teasing like he used to.

She felt better reading his letter and had hope. In time. In time.

Soon, days passed and turned to another week. It was time to report all of their findings. However, while they set out with one plan in mind, Blade set out with a different plan.