Hidden Danger



Listening to the truth from Nerissa, Astrid's anger immediately dissipated. 

"His hands were tied, child. There was only much, he could do then. And you did not have your powers, so he stole the key to the Rada'Han." 

She let out a deep sigh and took Astrid's hands in hers while wearing her assuring motherly smile..

"My darling. I know you may not be ready but take your time. I want you to let go of this rage and do not be bitter, else, you would be like your mother."

Both of them chucked at her last statement. "Being like mum isn't such a bad thing," Astrid corrected.

"Yes. But she – she needs love. Only love can bring her out from that state she is in. And the more she thinks of her pain, the more she is blinded to the light ahead of her." 

She placed her finger on Astrid's nose again and with a smile, uttered the words, "You."
