Her Approval


CHAPTER 633 – Her Approval

"I see. Then do it," Marceline commanded. 

"Huh?" Everyone chorused at the same time. 

"Kill yourself," she added, her expression becoming deadpan and serious as a dark glint flashed in her eyes.

Everyone's eyes widened in shock. They had expected her to approve but she said this. 

How could she use that against him? Not even Isadora was ruthless to that point to seek that.

"What?" Her cold voice pierced through sharply. "You hesitate? Or were those empty words just now?"

"Marce…" she lifted her palm at her side to silence every protest. "I won't force him. But I would make it simple. A stab in the heart."

"What! Mother!" 

Kaia could not believe that even after everything, her mother would truly seek this. 

"You're joking right?" She inquired, letting out a playful laugh but when her mother's expression never changed, she knew it was nothing like a joke.