New Birth


CHAPTER 647 - New Birth 

The mourning for Bayard's death took a long week, and after that, the throne could not be left empty for long. 

The sounds of boots sauntering around the castle ground echoed in the palace, further adding to the noise being made in preparation for the celebration. 

Owen stared at his reflection in the mirror as though he was staring at a complete stranger. The man staring at him now was one filled with pain and burdened by the weight of a kingdom. 

Until months ago, he was not truly bothered by the kingdom and how his father ruled it.

None of those ever really mattered to him until he was faced with a challenge that involved his sister before he took things seriously. 

Now he saw the kingdom in a new light. 

He exhaled sharply and kept his eyes closed for a brief moment. When he heard a knock on his door, he dismissed his servants tending to him and allowed his guest to enter.