Firm,Enduring,Strong and Long Lived

Earth year 2000 Oct 15

Hospital ***** operation room.


A man is seen walking around anxiously to and fro in an hurried manner.

Then after sometime the red light on top of the operation theatre is turned off and the docter came out.

At the moment when the door opened the man cried out to the docter

" Docter, how was it?" he asked anxiously with trembling hands.

"Congratulation sir, The delivery was a success. You may visit your wife and your child now"

The docter said while removing the mask and showing her sincere smile.

The moment the man heard the docter comforting voice then he sighed a breath of relief.

At that moment his cellphone received a message but he ignored it and left to the room to see his wife and child.


Docter Mary POV(3rd person)


Mary was doing her everyday work looking into files and analyzing the reports.

At the moment a nurse came to the room and report that there is an emergency case that will require her assistance.

Mary rushed to the operation theatre and asked the nurse about the condition of the patient.

The condition of the patient did not look so good.

while before reaching the room she saw the man who was sitting with hands joined together .

His hands were trembling.

She ignored him and went in.

when Mary entered the room she saw a woman lying down on the bed with light blue cloth above covering her and an oxygen mask cover her mouth and nose .

Mary took in the report of the patient and read it and found she is only 8 months pregnant and have to give premature birth. The risk was high but they had to do it.

Mary and the others got to work .They did not give her any anesthetia as it may lead to more serious trouble .

There was risk involve but they had to do it.

After some struggle they got success they were waiting for the child was born but the situation was not yet resolved the baby was not breathing so the nurse slapped that ass and it started crying.


Mr Hilton POV(1st person)

'I wonder if it's a boy or girl.not that it matters but the names. I haven't thought of it. I was thinking i had a month more to wait for it so i left it behind but god has other plans for me.'

'when i went in i saw her my love,still looking as beautiful as the day the met her. I'm so lucky to have her as my wife.I look at her tired eyes,the messy hair which shows the struggle she has gone through this moment'

" I'm Sorry dear,I couldn't be with you at the moment when you gave birth to our child"

I say to her in an apologetic manner

She just replied with a smile

"I understand dear"

'Ah! I can't take it .My heart,My liver'


She just smiled at my over dramatic expressions.

"So, how is the child.? Is it a boy or a girl?...."

I asked in an hurried and excited voice.

"Now,Now there father be quiet the child is asleep"She cut me off in the middle and glared at me as if she would beat me up if i continue on.

"So father have you thought of a name for our baby boy?" when she asked me that question i started imagining myself drowning in sweats.

'Should i say i forgot to decide on the name . no no no i should not let me think of a good name.'

she was looking at me with those chilly eyes looking at me as i did not forget.

' I have to make up a good name on the spot or i'm dead'

Oh yes maybe that name would go well.

"Dear, as our child we want our child to be healthy,safe and help people anytime he can I came up with this name..."

"Go on dear"

' Please like this name it only one which I can think off'

"Ethan,yes Ethan will be his name"

" Dear you didn't came up with some random name did you."


Why? please help me god, jesus, Buddha, every god in existence. I'll be ever grateful and give donations to charity when I'm rich in the future.

She smiled lightly.

"Anyway it is not a bad name 'Ethan' My Ethan"


*pitiful eyes* I looked at her.

"Ok Dear Our Ethan".

Hahahaha I am so happy today

'oh, I just remembered'

"Dear, wait for some time I'll be back"

I got out of the hospital.

while i was walking down the stairs looked into the phone to see the time i saw the

1 Unread message

Read now. Later.

I tap to read the message and it was a notification from the company that i have been promoted from the department manager to CEO of company xxx. The board of directors has unanimously approved him for the post.

When i read the notification happiness filled me to the heart .Truly my most luckiest day ever.

I went to the electronic store all giddy inside and bought something and went to the flower shop to get some daisy's . it's has the same smell as her perfume which she applies.

All giddy up i go up to the operation room but i don't see them i am a bit anxious now and i asked the nearby nurse

"Excuse me sister but where is the patient that was here a moment ago."

I see the nurse getting a bit annoyed with me.

she said in a tone like she's shooeing away a dog.

" At that patient ward on this floor where else. then hmph!."

' What is up with her?'

I better get ask some else I walk in the corridor and found an elderly nurse so i ask her

" Aunty,Where is the patient ward?"

She replied with a kind smile

" Go straight and turn left you'll see the board"

' she was kind ' i thought inwardly people can't be judged through appearances.Better teach my some mordern useful lesson when he is at age to learn.

I have now reached the patient ward i see many beds which are covered in white bed sheets and a white blanket at the sides the bed are partitioned from each other by blue colored curtains.

I search for the bed and have found her.

She was watching Ethan as he lay down sleeping calmly holding Emma Hilton's point finger with his small milk like hands. whereas Emma was leaning side ways and watching the child . She was still in her blue hospital patient attire yet still looking as a Goddess.


I walk towards them and she looked at me with those questioning gaze as if asking

' Where have you been to?'

I just showed her the flowers and the camera that i bought . I loaded the film inside it and got ready to take a photo of this moment which will live on as memories for the future.
