
Ethan POV ( conti)

'What the f***'

That just came in suddenly for me at the moment

' Are you kidding me!?I just had a nightmare a moment's ago and now I'm hallucinating'

"No, you're not hallucinating this is reality."The voice is soft and gentle but i know that it is just me hallucinating due to the nightmare so i am going to just ignore it.

"If you don't believe me try to feel your own body if you can"The voice continued to talk in the same soft and gentle I ignore the voice as it was pestering me to try it again and again.

After some time I hear that the voice is down i thought maybe the hallucination period was over so I tried to open my blancket but I couldn't touch it .I started to feel like suffocating

'Maybe I will die like this.'

'Am I stupid or something?'

' try to breathe.'

'Breathe in '

'wait a minute I don't feel any airflow'

I remember the voice words from before who was pestering me .

'I don't trust her '

Who will trust a person you didn't even know before and just met.? That person must be an idiot who will believe that voice.

After Some time

'Maybe I should touch my face .No, don't believe in strangers'

After some time

'Should I touch myself or Not. No,No Dad told me Not to trust strangers'

'Dad,Dad what is my dad name?'

'What is my mom name?'

I want to cry but I cannot cry why.

"What i feared is coming to consume you again?"the voice was soft and gentle

I asked

'Are you my mom.?'

"You Bastard,Just wait the next time No I'm coming with you this time"The soft and gentle voice was no more it raged

I felt like something just touched me and i blanked out.


Goddess Akira POV

So He is back to this realm.

Goddess Akira had a small conversation with a soul. The soul was strong very strong than all the other gods who can be found in this realm only those outside of this realm can contain such powerful soul but the chaos is eating away this soul to recover .

'who is he?'

He was first born in this god realm but his luck was off. A calamity struck He sacrificed himself at young age of 16 without thinking about his fiancé who he was betrothed since childhood it was under the eyes of heaven that it was approved that Akira will always be his wife . And if the will is broken the god realm will perish and cease to exist. It was a will of the fate.

He reincarnated second time and live live meaningfully earning karma again but his memories were fully wiped into oblivion never to be retrieved even by the creator of the cosmos. He does not remembers his fiancé from god realm not even his parents in this realm.

She has been watching him grow in earth but her interest died quickly too.

From time to time she would peek onto mortal world and look at him wondering if he remembers her.

The time time they spent playing and hunting.

She always sighs when thinking about it.


Akira sees the soul shaking and the shine dimming she said

"What i feared is coming to consume you again?"

'Are you my Mon?'

At that moment Akira didn't know what got into her she just spat out vulgalarities and touched the soul and she just disappeared into it.

Akira pushed the soul to a common void whose force was quite weak compared to other one which could destroy a soul at sight .The soul passed through the void while Akira who has inside the soul's dimensions was recovering the lost memories of his persona Ethan.

Akira made a simple system by going through Ethan memories.


'The other information can be obtained by the other world god will '

Akira made all the necessary Retrieving of memories of persona Ethan as much as she could she was done.

The soul was drifting in the void searching for world with broken barrier or just cracks so it may be reincarnated. The trouble in searching for world with cracked barrier or no barrier was a tough one but in this void most of the world barrier are non-existence and most had cracks .

Akira ignored those world she knew in a hundred thousand year these world will be destroyed It was hopeless. Unless She was generous enough to repair it she will not waste any effort.

The soul travelled in the void and took a deep dive and jumped into one of the world's barrier crack.



'Where am I?' I cannot see anything why is it so dark '

A soft but enchanting voice could be heard in my mind.

"So you've regained conscious now."

'Yes,but would you mind if i ask what you meant earlier when you said that it was not a dream but reality ' I asked to confirm what she meant at that moment.

She answered nonchalantly as if she didn't care"You died at that moment."

I couldn't believe what happened but what i can say from my logic is that explosion was real so how can i be here at the moment.

'So How am i here talking to you.? Am i really dead or still alive ' i inquired more to confirm my suspicion

The voice in my head exceeded my expectations

"yes, what you are thinking is all true .This is your new life means reincarnation into a new world"

'So that means Mom and Dad ,Sister Stella ,Uncle Sebastian,Aunt Chloe and others also....'

The Voice just continued on

"Don't be sad for those mortals they will reincarnate again and again in this way over the period if you ever have the power to cross over to earth then you can show them your memories and their soul will remember you with my assistance."


'Thank you ' I thank the Voice in my head.

Then suddenly I fainted.
