Demon city Xenoahs

Akio was currently seated in the tree top.

' It was a rash move of me , to escape from there I could calmly just have said that It was just a coincidence.'

But in truth It wasn't that easy to lie when he knows the reason that his face a resemblance to Ellen's father is because it was pre planned.

' Hey, Goddess of love Can you tell me some Advice on how I can face my current issue here.'

' Y'know , Y' could just give some random reasonings there as to why you did what you did and no one would question you. Y' get it right'

' Thanks any ways, but why are you still here in my head. Don't you have any work to do.!?'

' Well In this Realm y' get it. I can be anywhere infinitely and I am currently doing my job now y'know.'

' I see, so where is Akira now.? She would have already lashed at you by now'

'It seem that she's not here y'know.!'


Akio was mentally tired.!

'Goddess of love can you please look after Akira.I know she is a bit annoyed by you but you're quite matured and know the ways of the world better. Can you educate her for some time!?'

' Y'know I want to.. but she is not a normal God of this realm and her divinity is way more potent and can easily outmatch the world God which makes her too powerful so I have no way to guide her well... if she ever decides on retaliating against my teachings .I'm worried no one can stop her.'

' You don't have to worry much about her antics. Just use me as much as you like to suppress her.'

Akio sighed deeply .Akira was like a small child throwing her tantrum in her god's realm.

But she had reverence for Akio.

Respect and Love.

Respect for his sacrifice and courage.

As well as love which had been upgraded for admiration.

Goddess of love was sceptical but still agreed

'Ok ,y' I'll see to it that she becomes a well mannered lady.

' I'll leave her in your hands then.'


Akio was Practicing the usage of teleportation.

' Practice '

Akio practiced teleportion but he was unsuccessful in mastering it.

If Akio mastered teleportation he could reach anywhere if he knows the general direction and distance he needed to cover.

Akio could use short distance teleportation like a veteran.

Now Akio was recuperating his mana to maximum by lying down and watching the sky.

Akio was thinking of experimenting with the teleport ability as to how far can he go with his current mana pool.

'Aah, They would reach Reflet town by using gate so I don't really have to worry much about them. It's just Yae. I wish she does not get paranoid because of me.I need to reach Reflet town after my training retreat.'

Akio thought to himself.

' Finally'

Akio felt that his mana was full and he used his teleportation in certain direction to see how much distance does it makes when he uses all his mana.


Lights passed by and when Akio opened his eyes. The sun's heat was scorching ,the winds were strong,The surrounding was all sand and nothing more to see. It was like a wasteland.

Akio was confused as to where he reached now.

'Maybe I should explore the areas first.'

"Long sense."





Akio kept his Long sense on passive and walked to explore.

But as he was walking for around thirty minutes.

He finally came into something.

It was not a person but It was a big Lizard.

It was a monster.

Akio burned the monster without much effort.

And went on forward.

Akio was scanning his surroundings but he did not find any one who he can talk to.

He met only Monsters and Monsters all the time .

Akio was tired mentally and just burned whatever that came towards him.

Akio was in a spree killing every monster he found.

It was Night time now and Akio was bored out of his mind.


That's when he noticed something or someone showing up on his radar.

'What are they!?'

Akio was confused now.

' Are they Demi humans.!?'

He saw people with horn's but had no tail.

Akio thought maybe he could ask for information and went up to them.

"Hello, Can you please tell me where in the country is this place at!?"

The Demi humans saw a person walked up to them and were shocked to see him.

The Demi humans started whispering to each other for sometime.

Akio who still had his Long sense active heard their conversation.

According to their conversation , appearance of a human in this country was very minimal because this country had closed its borders and does not accepts foreigners or travellers.


"Should we report this to the guards!"

One of the Demi human continued

" We should, maybe he has broken some law and illegally crossed our border." The other one stated.

"Yes, this should be reported to the guards."

Akio was ignored and the other Demi humans ran away.

Akio followed them from the back.

He did hear the conversation but ignored them.

He thought even if the kingdom of Mismede arrests him he can be set free without much problem because he knew the king's character.

He didn't worry much and followed behind them. It took him 2 hour of constant following and then in his radar he could hear a hustle of crowd. He crossed the ridge to see the city but he was more shocked now seeing the scene.

Akio then realised that this was not Mismede but another Demi human country Xenoahs Demon kingdom.

He saw a lot of Demi humans but not one of them had an ear or tail resembling to some animals but instead they had horns.

They were demon kins.

Akio was surprised.

He had his senses online and was scanning through the city.

While he was scanning he saw some guard who had horns holding spears getting out of the gate followed by the people who Akio met at that time.

Akio was lazy enough now.

He didn't want to play this game running catching with guards so he straight away teleport to the highest structure inside of the City.

Akio activated stealth and listened in to the people's conversation.

After listening to some of the folks talking he knew that he was currently in Xenoskull , The capital city of the demon kins.

Akio was now a bit excited he didn't expect that he would be in the demon capital.


It was now currently night time and considering the residents of this country if he appeared in front of people here he would stick out as a sore thumb.

Akio was currently in his stealth form and roaming the city. He looked at demon folks walking pass him.

They had a distinctive trait of having a horn and the amount of magic that they possessed was more than an average human who could use magic.

Akio was strolling and he saw a man who was in soldier uniform of the Demon kingdom hiding and peeking at a manor.

Akio was curious as to why the guard was acting like a theif.

He extended his senses and found that there were similarly more guards in the vicinity and watching at the manor direction for something.

Akio was waiting and watching the guards position.

He was curious now .

' Shouldn't a city guard be patroling the city by now instead of waiting here and spying at the manor and what does that manor has for them to be waiting.'

After sometime in around midnight the guards moved away together in a certain direction.


Akio was curious but did not delve into what the guards were doing anymore.

Akio now watched at the manor thought maybe he should investigate the manor if the people living inside were good enough he would warn them but if they were evil he'd better handle them.

' If they are evil people I can finish them off and earn some extra karma for the bad deed they have done.'

Akio now was adamant to investigate the manor and it's people so he discreetly went in .