Story Teller

Leim came to greet Akio and and Elze.

" Leim San.... can you appoint me a small meeting with the Duke and lady Ellen so I could discuss something with them."


" Yes sir...For being one of the saviour we are indebted to you. So we will welcome you anytime."

Leim expressed his thoughts and left to inform the Duke while a maid was guiding Akio and Elze to a waiting room.

The maid served the tea to Akio and Elze and left.

" Why did you have to come to the Duke's place ?"

Elze asked in panic.

" Elze ,Calm down. I have something to talk with the Duke about my sudden retreat that day and there's also that thing....."

Akio said calmly but was a bit concerned about how they would react.

" That thing..!?" Elze clearly could not relate about what Akio said.

Akio and Elze were drinking the tea that was served to them.

The door was then opened and the Duke and his family came in.

Akio saw this and kept his cup back to the table and stood up and let the Duke have a seat and he then seated down.

The Duke sat opposite to Akio.

When Ellen saw Akio. She had her curiosity but she sat in silence beside the Duke.

Sue was also there but she looked left and right as if searching for someone else.

" I'm truly sorry for coming uninvited but I wanted to apologise for that day when I took a retreat."

Akio stood up and apologized

" It's nothing much of a trouble for me if you and your friends come. I don't really mind but I want to know as to why you suddenly went away. If something is troubling you I could lend an assistance."

The Duke was sincere and did not mind much what Akio did that day. People have reasons as to why they do things suddenly.

" Something cropped up and I had to be there at the moment. I can't tell you the reason for it being.... private you know."

Akio was a bit shy because of the sincerity the Duke showed. He could not lie to a sincere and honest face but he was forced to because of someone blunder.

Akio turned to Ellen and continued

" Lady Ellen, What did you mean by saying those words! before I left because It's been bugging me the whole time and I have been having a train of thoughts since that day."

Ellen got a bit shy when Akio mentioned that day when she called Akio Father.

" My Father is similar to you when he was young except for the hair and the eyes. So when I saw you that day I saw my father in you and had blurted out the words. I'm truly sorry for that."

Ellen couldn't be blamed for someone else blunder and also she has been blind for 5 years straight and when she regained her sight she got emotional and when she saw the familiar face she could not process much and called out to Akio as her late father.

" Lady Ellen, I....."

" I'm truly sorry Akio - san but now I know that the similarity is only the face my father has already passed away."

Ellen was a bit sad when she mentioned her father.

" Lady Ellen, People don't pass away until you have their memories with you. They only left their mortal shell and went far away from where they can only see us but cannot come to."

Akio was feeling guilty and tried consoling Ellen in his ways of words.

" Thank you Akio san."

Ellen had a soft smile which was enchanting enough.

' Would sue also have that kind of face when she grows up?'

Akio was deep in thought.

" Akio, where is Touya!?"

Sue asked energitically

"Touya is at Reflet town, If I go back I'll tell him to pay a visit to you."

Akio said showing a smile.



The Duke family and Akio had a talk whereas Elze was stiff and did not talk much.

' Ah. Elze you need to learn to talk with higherborn people'

Akio was speaking in his mind.

Akio had a long talk .The Duke had some paperwork to deal with so he left and only Sue Elze and Ellen were left talking on various topics such as food, trends and comparing political views of different countries.

Ellen was soft spoken but there was a smile on her face which showed that she was happy .

Sue then requested for a story from Akio.

Akio was then more than happy when he heard Sue's request.

Akio told her story on various Anime plots .Most of them being funny at some point and adventurous.

He also told them a story about three kingdoms which was famous one back from his earth.

Some tidbits of Plots he remembered.

Sue was fully engrossed when the female lead in the story was fighting for her freedom from slavery she clenched her hands hard.

Different situations on the story led to different expressions.

It was not only Sue, but Elze was also clenching her had at the struggle done by the heroine.

Similarly Ellen was also listening from the side.

The story was for all age groups which had totally got their attention.

Time passed and Afternoon came.

Ellen invited Akio and Elze for dinner but Akio said that he had something to do in the Capital so he rejected their offer.

Sue was a bit reluctant to let Akio go but she had to let him go.


Akio and Elze got out of the Duke's Residence and out of the gate.

Elze was a lot less tense now that she was out of that place .

" I didn't know that you were such a good story teller. I can feel as if the scene just played in my mind."

Elze was surprised and impressed as to how he had captured their attention when he started telling the story.

" It's nothing much, I can do a lot more if you want to see."

Akio had a mysterious smile.

" I would like to know what you are also good at."

Elze did not realize the meaning behind the smile and just said while thinking of lot other things.


Elze and Akio walked while talking.

Akio would crack some jokes and tease Elze but would also be greeted with a blow to the stomach.

The people were watching this weird behaviour Akio and Elze were doing.

Some people would ignore it but a lot bolder people would whistle.

The bolder ones would be met with a glare by Elze which would send shivers down their spine.

" Elze, you can't go on and bully these innocent civilians now."

Elze glared at Akio and went forward without waiting for him.

