Unexpected Happy Situation

The food was absolutely perfect. Spicy beef and pepper stir-fry, shrimp fried rice and ginger-cashew chicken salad. All of Zhang Zixin's favourites. He couldn't help but gobble up all the food ravenously much to Meng Roulan's delight. It made him feel a little better too.

"Aunt Meng, that was delicious." Zhang Zixin praised after the meal burping repeatedly. Meng Roulan didn't mind his table manners since they were quite close.

"Hehe, I know right? So tell me who's cooking is better. Me or your mother's?' she eyed him sharply.

Zhang Zixin began sweating. "This…." he hesitated. Both Aunt Meng and his stepmom's cooking were too good. He couldn't displease one for the other!

Meng Roulan giggled and patted his shoulder. "Relax I'm just kidding!" she said. Zhang Zixin was relived. "Of course I'm better!" she added laughing proudly.

Zhang Zixin was flabbergasted. From her tone, he realised she wasn't joking when she said that to herself. This woman was too full of herself! Also was there some competition going on between his stepmom and Aunt Meng?

"Aunt Meng, what should we do now?" he asked.

"Let me wash the dishes first!" she pouted.

"Aunt Meng, just leave it. I'll clean them tomorrow!" Zhang Zixin said.

"All right." Meng Roulan agreed. "Then, let's watch a movie together! What do you have?" she said excitedly.

Zhang Zixin couldn't exactly tell her he had a hundred adult movies in his room. "Let me check," he said and scurried around to find a decent movie. Luckily he found some romance movie DVDs lying around near the TV table.

"Aunt Meng which one do you want to watch?"

"Anything is fine!"

Zhang Zixin randomly put one of the DVDs into the player. He hit the 'play' button and soon the movie was running. It was a love story between a student and his beautiful teacher. Zhang Zixin had no clue why his stepmom would watch these kind of things. He only watched the movie to pass the time.

Meng Roulan seemed very interested in it however and keenly watched on.

Halfway through the movie, Zhang Zixin realised they were sitting a bit too close. In fact, Meng Roulan was snuggling on his shoulder. He tried to put some distance between them but she stuck to him like glue. He felt his body get hotter and his little brother grew a little hard too.

"Zixin, what did you think of the movie?" Meng Roulan asked after the movie had ended. She stretched her sultry body.

"I-I think it was okay…" Zhang Zixin stuttered. He stood up. "Aunt Meng, if there's nothing else, I'll be going to bed now." His hormones were raging. He had to get away from her!

"What's the hurry?" she pouted and dragged him back to the sofa. "I want to chat with you a little!"

"A-about what?"

Meng Roulin smiled. "Say, Zixin, do you have a girlfriend?" she asked teasingly.


"Really?" she had a look of surprise and happiness too for some reason. "Then…you haven't done that…?"

Why was she askingall thist?! Zhang Zixin felt really uncomfortable but still answered honestly.

"No, Aunt Meng, I'm still a…." he blushed in embarrassment.

Meng Roulan's eyes lit up in delight.

"Poor Zixin." She patted his head. "You must have suffered. Don't worry I'll take care of you now." Her hand landed on his crotch. His sleeping sword immediately sprang to life, harder than ever.

"A-Aunt Meng?!" Zhang Zixin could not believe what was happening right now.

"Wow, it's so big and hard. Our little Zixin has grown up." she smiled at him teasingly. "How was your shower? Did you let out enough?"

"Aunt Meng, you…." Zhang Zixin was shocked. Did she catch him in the act?

Meng Roulan giggled. "No need to be so tense. Do you really need to hide these things in front of Aunt Meng? I know a lot about you than you think!"

"Well…." Zhang Zixin didn't know what to say right now. He was quite confused as to what she wanted.

She suddenly whispered in his ear. "Who were you thinking about when you were doing that in the shower?" her breath made him tingle. "Were you having indecent thoughts about your Aunt Meng?"

"That-that's not…." He wanted to deny it but it seemed impossible. It was as if his Aunt Meng could read his thoughts.

She gave him a charming look. "Pervert," she said and then kissed him on the lips.

This was Zhang Zixin's first kiss. Meng Roulan's lips were soft and velvety. They tasted so sweet. Better than anything he had ever tasted. He wanted more and began sucking on them . Meng Roulan slid her tongue inside his mouth and met his resulting in a fervent clash.

The passionate kiss ended when they were short of breath and panting.

"Did you like that, Zixin?" Meng Roulan asked in a charming manner, her face flushed.

Zhang Zixin could only nod like an idiot.

"Then…do you want more?" she grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest. Zhang Zixin immediately felt a soft and squishy sensation in his hand. His heart went into overdrive.

This feeling was too good!

Meng Roulan's breast was big and bouncy. He couldn't help but squeeze it inciting a seductive moan from her mouth. Zhang Zixin's blood rushed to his little brother when he heard it.

"Aunt-Aunt Meng! This..!"

"What? You don't like it?" she glared at him. "My breasts aren't big enough for you?"

"No, it's not that! It's just…." Zhang Zixin mumbled clumsily. "Isn't this….inappropriate?"

"Oh? How so?" Meng Roulan whispered rubbing his crotch lightly. Zhang Zixin gulped.

"Aunt Meng is a married woman so..."

Meng Roulan chuckled. "That's what you're worried about? I told you not to worry about insignificant things!" she said and gave him another hot kiss. Then she stood up and approached the stairs.

"I'll be in your mom's room." She winked at him before walking upstairs.

The invitation was clear to Zhang Zixin.

For a moment he just sat there processing everything. Then he stood up abruptly.

'Fuck it, why am I hesitating for? This is the opportunity of a lifetime! I've always like Aunt Meng too!'

He didn't want to die a virgin. Who knows if he would turn into a zombie tomorrow or be eaten by one?

Resolving himself, he ran up the stairs to his stepmom's bedroom.

He opened the door and closed it quietly. When his eyes landed on the bed, he swallowed his saliva. He immediately had a raging boner.

Meng Roulan was lying on the bed naked, her busty big breasts, her curvy hips and her long sexy legs. Zhang Zixin stared at her charming, attractive body for a long time which made Meng Roulan satisfied.

"Hehe, I knew you would come." She giggled then held out her arms. "I'm cold and lonely, Zixin. Come here and hold me," she said with a pitiful expression.

Zhang Zixin broke out of his reverie and quickly joined her in the bed. Meng Roulan's arms wrapped around his neck and their lips immediately locked. Their kiss was fervent and wild, like people in the desert who thirsted for water.

This was Zhang Zixin's first time touching a woman's body. He was nervous but more excited as well. His hands roamed all over Meng Roulan, feeling her smooth, soft skin. Her fragrant womanly scent smelled so good to him. Meng Roulan allowed him to do as he pleased.

His hands made their way to her chest and fondled her breasts for a bit. He squeezed and pinched her nipples a few times inciting moans from Meng Roulan.

"Aunt Meng, can I….?" his mouth was watering with lustful thoughts. He felt so horny right now.

"You naughty boy! Do you even have to ask?" she scolded him playfully.

Zhang Zixin was delighted. He immediately latched his mouth onto her left breast and began sucking her nipple. Meng Roulan gasped and moaned loudly from the sudden pleasure.

Like a baby, Zhang Zixin suckled hungrily. He had always wanted to suck on a woman's giant tits and now his wish finally came true. He savoured every moment of it.

His hands weren't idle either. His right hand was still groping her right breast and his left hand found itself between her legs in her moist cave. Zhang Zixin started rubbing her down there slowly.

Zhang Zixin switched his mouth to her right breast while his fingers slipped inside her soft folds and began moving in and out. Meng Roulan shrieked in delight from the sensations.

"Ah!~ It feels soo good!" she couldn't help but exclaim for the pleasure.

The stimulations on her breast and her womanhood were too sensitive and felt so wonderful. Finally she couldn't take any more and with a scream of delight climaxed.

Zhang Zixin felt her love juices on his hand and brought them to his lips, licking them happily. He felt delighted knowing he made Meng Roulan orgasm from his touch.

"That was so good, Zixin~!" Meng Roulan smiled seductively at him. "Is this really your first time? You really know how to make a woman feel good!"

"Well…" Zhang Zixin smiled cheekily. Her praises made his pride swell up a bit. It was his first time pleasing a woman and to hear from her how he did it so well definitely stroked his ego a bit.

'Watching those adult movies really paid off in the end!' he thought to himself.

"Now time for the main event." Meng Roulan licked her lips and started undressing him.

Zhang Zixin gulped.

He was finally about to graduate from his virginity!