I like you.

Rosa gathered her things quickly and left the classroom with Anna still shocked by the news. She made a mental note that she never be alone with this girl.

" Rosa stop thinking about her. Just tell that you are a straight person and she will understand. " Anna spoke

Rosa nodded her head and both of them started to eat their lunch.


" Rosa. " Anna who was sitting beside her friend spoke in a low voice to no let the teacher hear her.

Rosa took to be a small pepper note and started to write on it " Yes! " and then she passed the pepper to Anna and she replied " I want to go to buy Icecream after school. What do you think? " Anna passed the pepper back to Rosa. After reading what Anna wrote she replied " Okay. " and passed the pepper back to Anna.


Inside the Ice cream shop.

" What flavour you want?. " Anna asked her friend.

" Strawberries. " Rosa replied.

The both of them were busy looking at the Ice cream flavours they didn't notice that a familiar someone was standing not far away from them.

" Rosa. " the person called.

Turning around she saw that it was John " Hey. How are you? " Rosa a bit surprised to find him here.

" I'm good. " John replied his eyes fall on the girl who was standing beside Rosa.

" This is Anna, my friend. Anna this is John. " Rosa introduced them to each other.

" Nice to meet you, Anna. " John extend his hand for the beautiful girl Infront of him.

" Nice to meet you too. " Anna who is bold who is a bold person most of the time for an unknown reason she was blushing now.

" I will go and pay the bill. " Rosa said but both of them didn't even hear her. smiling to herself she went to the cashier to pay the bill.

" Anna it's a beautiful name. " John spoke watching the girl Infront of him carefully.

" Thank you. " Anna felt that her face is heating up. Oh my god his so hot she thought to herself.

" Do you have a boyfriend? " he asked.

" What? " his sudden question startled her.

Taking a step closer to her he asked again " Do you have a boyfriend? " his voice was low only her could hear him.

" No. " she replied her voice barley coming out of her vocal cords.

" Good. Tell Rosa that I will be coming to visit her soon. " John left offering the young girl a charming smile.

" Anna. what happened. Where is John? " Rosa came back and found that he was gone and her friend face extremely red.

" H... He said that he will come and visit you soon. " Anna replied and opened the water bottle in her hand to drink from it.

Did something happen Rosa wondered?

The both of them left the shop and went back to their houses.


At Anna room.

Anna was doing her homework when suddenly her phone started to vibrate looking at the screen it was an unknown number.

" Hello. "

" Anna. It's me, John. "Anna's heart skipped a beat hearing his voice. But how did he got her number?

" Sorry for calling you at such time. " John said.

" No. it's alright. Is there something I can do for you. " Anna asked.

" Yes. " he replied " Listen, Anna, I'm going, to be honest with you. I like you " John said

Anna was shocked by his sudden words. This the second time that this man shocks her. Anna didn't know what to say. He said he likes her but they only met today. Moreover his older than her.

" I know that my words are shockingly surprising. Take your time to think about it and let's meet this weekend alright. " John said.

Anna gulped softly before she answered " Alright. "

John smiled when he heard her answer " Good night Anna. " John said before hanging up the phone.

Anna started at the phone screen still in dizza.