The only way you can get through this

Rosa was sitting in the doctor waiting for him to finish reading the blood reports and the scans, She may look calm but she was very scared, She wished that there was someone with her but unfortunately she couldn't tell anyone about this.

Rosa watched as the doctor took what she thought a very long time to look at the scans, While she was waiting she heard a knock on the door before the door opened and another doctor came in.

The old doctor turned to look at Rosa."Miss Rosa, This doctor Johnson, He's a neuro-oncologists." The doctor said.

"Good morning Miss Rosa." Doctor Johnson said as he starched his hand for her.

"Good morning." Rosa said as she shook his hand.

"May I know what is going on here?" Rosa asked as looked at the both doctors.

"Miss Rosa, The scans had showed that you have a brain tumor, This is why you have been experiencing these symptoms." The neuro-oncologists explained.