Reaper (end)

Fimafeng's eyes twitched when Gedril made him understand that he didn't know that the first stage of the Apocalypse had fall upon his world...

'Is it me or did Amon soften over time? It's been 10 years that he hasn't gotten tired of torturing his son and he hasn't taken the opportunity to hurt him even more by telling him that. That doesn't sound like him.' He concluded with puzzlement considering what he knew about Amon's personality.

However, Fimafeng rejected this statement quickly after further reflection, 'Oh... I forgot about that.' He came to the realization that even under the pretext that Gedril had lived on Earth before Hell, he wasn't necessarily going to take badly the fact that humans were being massacred if he knew the reason why he was in Hell...

With this in mind, Fimafeng thought it would be important to find out if Gedril was aware of this in a roundabout way by explaining to him what was happening on Earth, "I know you won't be able to tell if what I say is true or not from what you know because I'm sure no one taught you how things really work, so you'll have to take my word for it."

Since Fimafeng was telling him that he was willing to give him explanations, Gedril simply nodded to let him know that he was ready to hear them, anyway, he could choose to believe him or not.

"Okay, where do I start..." Fimafeng wondered aloud before letting his gaze wander in the bloody sky above his head during a few moments.

"Simply put..." He resumed after choosing his words carefully, "...monsters appeared on Earth a few days ago and started to kill humans, it will get worse over time and although humanity can defend itself, objectively, it is more likely to become extinct than to survive."

When Gedril heard this, his breath was taken away...

If what Fimafeng was saying was true, then the only person he still cared about was in danger, and if the worst had already happened for her, one thing was certain, his sanity was going to leave his body with the last thing that was holding it back; the feeling of knowing that his mother was safe.

"P-please..." Gedril began to say in a trembling voice that made Fimafeng realize the extent of his distress, "...tell me my mother is fine."

Seeing Gedril in this state, Fimafeng couldn't help but feel pity for him because according to his reaction he was definitely unaware of the truth behind the circumstances of his entry in Hell, 'Fucking sadistic Demons, Amon must have wanted to save this for another moment since he must have thought that he had the eternity to tell him.'

'Great, so basically I'm the one who has to tell him.' Since it would be going against his principles to not take the responsibility to tell Gedril the truth while he could do so, Fimafeng was going to do it now, even though he hated having to do so, even though he thought that Gedril would surely want to throw himself into the lava river in front of him afterwards, "All I know is she's not dead, however, chances are you will wish she was."

Having quickly moved from relief to anger because of what Fimafeng implied at the end of his sentence, Gedril demanded an explanation while raising his voice, "What are you trying to say?!"

Being more embarrassed than intimidated by Gedril's anger because he knew that at some point the latter would regret having reacted like this, Fimafeng calmly continued to reveal his train of thought by answering Gedril's question with another one, "Do you know the only way for a demon and a human to conceive a child?"

Seeing that Gedril was troubled but still listening, Fimafeng started to explain the context around his birth, "All the major entities had long been informed of the date of the Apocalypse, and despite the fact that a tacit agreement regulating the kind of interactions that were allowed with humans existed between them, almost all of them transgressed that agreement to gain an advantage when the day would come..."

Thinking that Fimafeng was going to tell him a lot of things he didn't care about after listening to the beginning of his speech, Gedril interrupted him by barking at him with his face deformed by anger, "Damn it! I don't care about that, I want to know what you was implying about my mother!"

Fimafeng frowned and his gaze became stern, "Looks like you've forgotten who you're talking to." He told him in a cold and ominous tone while slowly raising his right arm.

As Fimafeng's right arm continued to rise and therefore continued to move closer to him, Gedril remained impassive.

For him Fimafeng was bluffing and just wanted to scare him, he didn't even put on a glove this time, and anyway, in the worst case Gedril was convinced that if Fimafeng was going to become violent he wouldn't go as far as to kill him since Death wanted his soul, 'I've been beaten up countless times, I don't care if the counter goes up by 1.'

However, Fimafeng managed to surprise Gedril by not doing any of the things he expected...

It turned out that he didn't direct his arm towards Gedril but stretched it to his right as if he was waiting for something to fall into his hand.

Another thing that surprised Gedril but which made Fimafeng's behavior somewhat coherent afterwards was that he brought his left hand to his mouth, pinched his index finger with his thumb... and whistled.



After half a second following the whistling, something appeared in Fimafeng's right hand.

When Gedril looked at what it was, he didn't know at first how to react as it was so sudden.

He knew that he was supposed to be happy but for him it was so unreal that he just couldn't believe what he saw...

However, after a moment of adaptation there was no more room for doubt and a sadistic smile finally formed on his face; Although the two horns on his forehead were severed, although his jaw, which looked more like one of a wild beast rather than one of a normal demon, was crushed, although his eyes were plucked out, and although other mutilations on his very dark red skin made him almost unrecognizable, Gedril was sure that it was the beheaded head of his father.

Knowing how to disregard his standards of cleanliness when the situation required it, Fimafeng had remained totally impassive while blood was dripping from Amon's head on his right hand, 'Looks like Hector had a lot of fun considering the state of the head, it's not a very dignified death for the father of the Lycanthropes but since Hector seems to particularly like the young master, it doesn't surprise me that he went as hard as he did. In fact, thinking about it, it's obvious that this is the reason why the master put him on this mission.'

Feeling that Gedril had accumulated enough positive emotions to welcome new ones, which were much less pleasant this time, Fimafeng decided to finally open his mouth, "Now that the pact you made with my master has been fulfilled, it will be easier to explain the one your mother made with Amon before conceiving you."