The nature of the enemy (2)

Seeing Arthur and Louise devour her former comrades, Giulia didn't react as she expected, which was one more proof if she needed another one that she wasn't human anymore.

This situation filled her with anger and sadness, but it wasn't really out of sympathy; she didn't think it was unfair that these soldiers were being eaten, she just thought it was extremely regrettable and foolish that they didn't agree to be transformed when they were given the opportunity even though they knew perfectly well that dying then becoming nothing less than meat was their only perspective of future by making that choice...

However, the longer Giulia's gaze was lingering on those dead soldiers the harsher it became and the more her sadness turned into hatred, 'You bunch of morons, you had a damn chance of surviving!' She thought, judging with contempt a decision she would have definitely respected several hours ago when she still wasn't aware of the true power of the Ganipotes and Garaches and that she hadn't yet made her mind up to join them.

Deep down, Giulia knew that her hatred was disproportionate and that it had nothing to do with a clear reasonning, but admitting it to herself would amount to admitting that she needed to hate the soldiers who hadn't made the same choice as her in order to comfort herself in her belief that she had made the right one, and also admit that she needed this hatred in order to accept the fact that the scene she was witnessing was building up her appetite.

Her pack leader having warned her that in their culture watching someone eat was extremely disrespectful and that it could be for Louise and Arthur a valid pretext among countless others to kill her, Giulia turned her gaze away from them to land it on William...

According to what she was told, he was the weakest Alpha, not only regarding his own strength but also that of his pack, which numbered barely 200 members and had the lowest proportion of betas.

Beyond the facts, William's inferiority over the other Alphas was also noticeable physically; unlike Louise and Arthur who had a developed musculature and from which was emanating the aura of experienced fighters, it wasn't at all the case with William who had a rather thin body and didn't look intimidating at all.

'Yeah, not intimidating at all.' Giulia told herself, trying to contain a grin when her gaze wandered over a specific area of William's naked body which had the shape and the ridiculously small size of a cocktail sausage...

But the disrespect she was showing to William disappeared as quickly as it came because she knew that despite the fact that he was weak compared to the other Alphas, he wasn't the type to let himself be stepped on.

According what she was told about him, what he was lacking in strength he more than made up for it with things that Arthur et Louise sorely lacked; intelligence and unpredictability...

It was to the point that Juliet, Giulia's pack leader, considered William as the most dangerous Alpha behind herself.

Thinking of Juliet naturally guided Giulia's eyes to her and when she saw her, Giulia's heart started to beat frantically...

She didn't know if the admiration she felt for her was genuine or just feelings that a pack member would inevitably had for his pack leader, but if what the other members of her pack said about Juliet was half true then she was definitely the most well-rounded Alpha of all.

In any case, the facts and the few interactions Giulia had with Juliet pointed in that direction. No one could deny that she had the biggest and most powerful pack and no one could deny that she was the second strongest Alpha either, and when it came to what Giulia personally thought...

One could think that Giulia wasn't objective but she truly believed that in terms of charisma, intelligence and beauty to name only these qualities, Juliet was above everyone else.

The only thing Giulia didn't really like about Juliet was her eccentricity. When she heard her say those things with the walkie-talkie earlier it made her grind her teeth because she knew that she wasn't just trying to provoke Logan Walker who was on the other side of the line...

After Giulia informed Juliet about Buren's interest in Logan as well as everything that had happened last night when he came here with an unknown woman, she hadn't anticipated that Juliet would be fascinated by Logan and that it would be serious to the point that she would become obsessed by the idea of transforming him.

Seeing that her pack leader's judgment was clouded, she made a decision, 'I won't make the same mistake I did with the big-titted bitch who was with him. If I have the opportunity to kill him without Juliet knowing, I will take it.' She told herself while looking at Juliet and stroking softly the bite on her left wrist.


Same time



Judith's morning was going from surprise to surprise...

Firstly, she didn't expect the man with the cigar to accept her request to 'train' her, Gabriella and her brothers, even less that he accepted without them having to beg him, given that they nearly had come to this point with his partner with the spear and that although he seemed more flexible than his comrade he had firmly refused.

Secondly, she definitely couldn't have anticipated what happened when the first monsters arrived here and confront them, or rather confront her 'trainer' and his partner since the man with the cigar had insisted that they observe and nothing else at first...

The monsters they had fought against were some kind of zombified humans whose flesh in the process of rotting weren't preventing them from running and as Judith saw them arrive by hundreds she understood why the man with the cigar had told them to stay back; Gabriella, her brothers and herself weren't psychologically ready to fight this shit and before doing anything, they had to see what these zombies were capable of.