Sketchy man

Once the door was opened I look behind me to make sure no one was looking. once I was positive there was no one I closed the door shut. Luckily the blinds were already closed.

I get to work and pull out the camera and the chip.

I plug the chip into the side of the computer and a screen pops up. It asked if I was sure I wanted to copy everything, to which I said yes.

I take pictures of everything. The view, the computer, the cabinets, even the posters. Once the entire office was captured into the camera I search around.

I open up cabinets, and drawers, I look under the rug but find nothing out of the ordinary. I decide to get Creative and go with the oldest trick in the book. I look behind every single poster. And it pays off. Behind a poster was a secret safe. I pull the camera out and take a picture of the safe along with the poster it's behind.

I smirk to myself. I start moving furniture. Bookcases, the desk, filing cabinets, you name it. Unfortunately the safe is where my luck ended. I carefully put all the furniture back where it was. I hover over the computer waiting for everything to download onto the chip.

While waiting I hear a click. The door handle starts to move. I panic and do the first thing that comes to mind.

The person enters. "Ugh another one, really. You know he's out to lunch, right?" The woman says dragging a cleaning cart behind her. "I know I just wanted to supprise him, that's all." I say. She lets out a huff and grumbles something about coming back later.

She leaves the room. I sigh in relief and button my blouse back up. Finally there was a ding and I looked over at the computer screen.

Download Complete.

Yess, Finally. I do a quick sweep of the room and decide to exit. I make sure I have everything and place the chip in a safe pocket in the bag. I leave the room. I pass by everyone undetected and leave the building.

Once I'm out I see the man wave me over. I walk to him and hand him the bag. He opens it and looks through. I take out the ear piece and lanyard and hand it to him. He takes it and puts it in the bag. He takes out the camera and flips through the pictures I took.

He looks up at me and clears his throat, "Thank you, this is perfect. If you ever need another job just text me, here's the money. It's five grand cash. I hope that will suffice." He says starting to walk away. "Thank you, sir. This has been a great help." I say grateful. I look at the time, 11:24, I still have enough time to go home and pay the landlord.

I walk home the envelope tucked securely in my bra. Once I reach home I walk directly to the landlords office. I knock, and enter once he says to. I slam the money down on his desk. "There your rent, and the late fee. And get this straight. If you EVER, EVER threaten to take away my kid again I'll shove an umbrella up your ass!!" I threaten. He gulps and nods his head. I walk out of his office, "Have a good day." I say sweetly. He nods his head and mumbles back a you to.

I exit the office and head up to the apartment. I pay off every debt I owed and I still had a grand left.

I wait patiently until it's time to pick Aiden up. Once the time arrived I headed out to pick him up. Again I sat outside and waited. "We meet again, Audra. We seem to bump into each other a lot." Someone said behind me. I don't even turn around. I knew it was Arron. "You're starting to creep me out." I say, "It's not my fault. You're like a magnet. I'm compelled to go near you, I would like a chance, take you out on a date and change your mind?" he asked. I honestly thought saved by the Bell was a term for students but in this instance, The bell saved me from answering his question.

Aiden comes tumbling down the front steps. He goes full speed ahead like a fright train and nearly knocks me over with his force. His arms hug my legs like a viper.

I look down and see the worst thing a mother wants to see. Tears were streaming down his face. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask worried. He shakes his head. "Ok why don't we go home then and we can talk about it over dinner." I suggest. He nods his head ok. We walk home in silence. I try to strike up a conversation along the way but it's no use. He doesn't want to talk.

Once we got home he went straight to his room. I go over and knock on the door, "Do you still wanna go out to eat?" I ask him hoping he'll say yes. The door opens slowly and he shuffles out. He nods his head, "Yep, let's go!" The sadness wiped from his face. I was skeptical but I let it go....

We leave the house and walk over to chillies.

We are seated almost immediately. "Alright Aiden, What was that about? Did someone upset you?" I ask concerned. He puts his head down on the table and mumbles something. I couldn't hear what he said and so after the third time he repeated it I finally understood, "The kids in school said I was a mistake...They said I shouldn't be here, Is that true mommy? Am I a mistake?" He asks sniffling, I shake my head no, "Of course not baby, You are not a mistake. You might have been unplanned but never a mistake. I love you very much, and I wouldn't trade you in for anything else in the world." I say reassuring him.

Aiden was an accident, there's no doubt about that. We were young, we thought just once it wouldn't hurt, and we were wrong. I got pregnant a few weeks later and then his dad left without a trace. He wanted me to abort Aiden, but I couldn't find it in me. And I'm glad I didn't. If I did I'd have destroyed the best thing in the world, my son. I don't think he's a mistake. He's a blessing.

He looked relieved, we ate our food once it arrived and had minimal conversation. Once we had finished I decided to supprise him. "You can have anything you want within reason, what would you choose?" I ask. He thinks for a moment, "Well, There is something I would want. Maybe a pet?"

Oh, boy. I wasn't expecting that. He wants a pet. Hmmm. I really don't know if I can do that. "I'll think about it." I say. His face beams at the possibility of an animal companion.

All throughout the walk home I couldn't get my mind off the fact that he wanted a pet. My mind was reeling with the possibility I could say yes. I mean that man did offer another job opportunity. If I get another payday like that, I could possibly do the minimum to take care of an animal. But then the question arises, what animal.