Group Battle (Part 1)

A week later, the night before the battle.

Ayaka walked to her balcony, looking at the beautiful night sky. Her trembling hand slowly gripped the balcony railings. The thought of messing up in tomorrow's battle crept into her heart, making her unable to sleep.

"Grandfather… Please watch over me in tomorrow's battle. No matter what it takes, I won't disappoint anyone." She closed her eyes and swore.

Meanwhile, the others were making their preparations.

Michelle was training her magic in her backyard. Tasha was wiping her bow, making sure she would be able to use it properly tomorrow. Evan Young was typing something on his computer, searching up their opponent's data to make sure he didn't miss any important information. As for Sanae… she was sleeping soundly in her room. For her, having a good sleep before a battle was the greatest preparation. Though, she might have been a little too much as it was only 8 PM.