Ayaka's Battle

In the run-down house somewhere in Arizona.

Ayaka's body kept twitching. Even though she had stayed in this house for a day, she still couldn't get used to the sight. She felt that even after living for weeks or even months, she would still not be able to stand the house interior.

All she could see was a study desk made of burly wood in front of her. Right in the middle was a thirty-centimeter dying mouse with not only a few stab wounds. The wounds were slowly regenerating, but it abruptly stopped as soon as the mouse died.

To the left of the mouse was a stack of neatly arranged books, numbering about eight. The wall on her right was dark with green-layered creepy wallpaper and yellow lamps attached to them.

Diagonally beside the lamp was a giant tube shrouded in a pale green glow. It contained something that threw Ayaka off.

A lion's corpse.