
The next day, Kai made his way toward the school with his sister with teleportation magic. They had no class today because of the mission and quickly arrived at their base. 

In the room, no one had yet to come as there were still three hours before it was time to take off. The journey was around two hours, so everyone took it easy.

Meanwhile, Kai still had another thing to do, so he turned to his sister and said, "Sister, I'll meet the pilot first. You can wait here until the others come."

"Wait. Let me come with you." Tasha, who was sitting comfortably on the couch, abruptly stood up and walked to Kai. "You can let me handle this kind of thing, you know. After all, there's already too much burden in your hands."

Kai looked at her. He wanted to tell her to let him handle it. But unexpectedly, he nodded and said, "All right. Just follow me first since this is your first time."

"Sure." Tasha happily smiled, following him to the back of the school.