The Dawn of the Battle

The next morning, 

Kai slowly opened his eyes after having a good sleep. What his teacher said yesterday kept him awake until midnight, and it even haunted him in his sleep. In the end, he just got some light sleep and would wake up the moment he heard something unnatural. 

Luckily, nothing happened at night, and Kai could wake up without lacking sleep. This mission might even last for a week, so if he didn't have a good condition even on the very first day, he would certainly have it worse in the next few days.

After waking up, Kai took a look at his device to see the time and jumped from his bed when he saw it was already seven in the morning. 

Although the operation would only start at eleven, he thought he still woke up a bit sooner to do some preparations. 

He quickly fixed his bed hair and left his bed before noticing Ayaka standing beside the door.