The Last Push

"Have we finished all of them?" Yuki was panting as she asked Kai.

Kai was also slightly out of breath. "Yeah. We have another thirty minutes from our original time." 

"Let's go back and rest first." 

They had been roaming around for two and a half hours in a pair without having anyone's help. Yet, they had killed five hundred magical beasts out of the original five thousand, showing how hard they fought this whole time. 

Knowing there was nothing to do, they decided to go back to rest on the meeting point. However, he suddenly had a bunch of people coming toward him right outside the meeting point. They looked a little familiar, but Kai couldn't remember who they were.

"Sir!" They suddenly saluted him.

"Eh?" Kai obviously was astounded. At first, he thought they were coming from Yuki's army, but when he heard their voices, He remembered a certain unit. "Are you from the Reserve Army?"