Isabelle's Rage

"Who beat him like this? Who?!"

Isabelle's anger shook their hearts. They never thought that Isabelle would have this kind of reaction. Eva, Eve, and Nicholas actually remembered that Isabelle left a spot empty for a quite long time. They had once asked why she would leave the seat empty, but Isabelle only said she had someone in mind.

When Tommy finally appeared, they thought Tommy was the one in her mind. They never asked the question again and just accepted it.

It was at this moment, they finally realized that wasn't the case. The person who was in her mind this whole time turned out to be Evan. They never saw it coming because Isabelle always acted coldly toward Evan and that was also one of the reasons why they were this shocked.

Nonetheless, the enemies didn't even glance at Isabelle and Evan. They only observed the hundred people that were lying on the ground and clicked his tongue.