Overturns the Situation

"Boom Boom Boom!"

The wind blades exploded as if it hit something. Everyone thought it landed on the Protector, but when the particles settled down, they realized a wall of water blocking the three attacks.

Kai smiled, looking at the old man above the wall. "You are late, Sir."

"I rushed here, alright? If I didn't have any preparation and proceeded with the normal route, I wouldn't arrive this fast." Nathan shrugged as he looked at the two thousand soldiers falling to the ground with their parachutes.

"Bryan, Albert. After rearranging the soldiers, switch with the girls and take care of that water thingy." Nathan shouted.


Meanwhile, Kai took a step back, creating a distance between him and the Protector.

Nathan arrived beside him and asked. "How do you feel?"

"I still can handle this, and I need to see this battle to a proper conclusion. I shall assist you in fighting him."