The Talk before the Departure

Inside room 420, Kai and the others finally had the time to relax and began their research about Easter Island.

Of course, everything came from a legitimate source. After getting the president's permission, he received a special rank to get the secret information about the island, including the past research conducted there.

The information blew their mind away.

"Hmm… There is something strange about this island." Evan looked at the group.

"True. Most of the statues should be around the edge of the island, watching over its land. And yet, half of the statues had moved and gotten destroyed. From the research alone, they seemed to be destroyed by something instead of a natural process or disaster," Sofia added.

"Yes. At first, I thought it was the works of magical beasts. However, I could see that wasn't the case. The magical beasts wouldn't be able to move these statues due to its weight." Ayaka agreed and said the part she just read.