Day Two

As soon as the morning came, Kai opened his eyes and rose from his mattress, watching how the other girls also woke up. They had a tight schedule today due to the long journey to cover half of the edge area of this island.

No way would the girls be late today.

"Good morning." Kai greeted them before picking up his toothbrush and leaving the room.

They had the same preparation for today, including the briefing from Carissa. When they waited for Carissa, the latter surprised them. A car gradually appeared in front of them before the window slowly lowered, revealing Carissa's face. "Hop on. I will be driving you guys to every single place."

Everyone knew that they would be able to travel faster with this on average and without using much magic power. Hence, everyone came in and sat on the back.

Kai took the front seat beside Carissa as the leader. "Are we going to check every single statue like yesterday?"