The Truth behind Magic Power

Not a single person opened their mouth at this point. They were curious about what he found in his journey, especially anything linked to the Protector.

Only Kai seemed to be bothered with all of this. No one thought anything weird about what he said earlier, but he remembered Rapakha calling him the child of sound. He didn't know why but Rapakha said those magic words that the mermaid told him.

"Hmm… Where should I start?" Rapakha thought for a moment. "I will start with myself first and the journey. In the past, I traveled to many countries and saw their progress with my own eyes. However, I noticed something was wrong.

"When I traveled in the past, I only sensed magic power coming from a selected few. Even when I went to a big town, I could sense a few people having a ridiculous amount of magic power, but they weren't aware of it."

"Do you mean you had magic power in the past?" Kai furrowed his eyebrows.