A Trap?

In the middle of a small river leading to the port of Buenos Aires, a small dolphin was swimming around. Even though he should not be living in freshwater, the dolphin seemed to have no problem living here.

Someone's footsteps echoed in the area as a turtle appeared before him. It was a walking turtle. With that green body and dark green shell, he stared at the dolphin. "How is the situation?"

"Scrata Skions (No problem)!" The dolphin replied.

"That's good. I am coming here because those old fogies were making a ruckus about it. I have told them to not interfere with the matter of humans, but they don't want to hear me."

"Reuit Qeo Wuity (There is a person with that ability)."

"I know. Still, it's better to let him grow naturally. They seem to have another agenda for creating such a ruckus with a single boy alone. From what I saw, they didn't really care about our brethren that got killed, so it must be something else."