Kai's True Plan

"Now bow down to me!"

The elemental raised its fist and slammed it down.

Obviously, Michael wouldn't let the attack connect. He leaped to the air, specifically in front of the stomach, and threw his fist.

"Gargantuan Fist!"

The magic circle appeared as his fist released a torrential wind bigger than he ever made, destroying the stomach of the elemental. With this, the elemental should have difficulty moving because it needed to plug the hole, but Kai suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Sound Blast!" He activated his Sound Blast, blowing Michael away as the elemental's fist almost hit him. "It's coming!"


The fist created a loud sound. But that was not the scariest thing. That fist managed to create a huge crack on the ground while the one that hit directly by the fist went down a few centimeters.