Good News

"The school first."

"Alright. In the school, you won't be getting any harassment from the Student Council because the student council president, Ethan's granddaughter, has promised to not disturb you unless necessary. Of course, we can't predict the future, can't we?"

"I understand about the condition. There might be a time where I need to move because of some problems, so I don't really mind as long as she is not openly annoying me." Kai nodded in agreement.

"That's great. I will relay the message to her later." Nathan paused for a moment. "I am sure you want to know about your promotion last, so which one do you pick next?"

"My mission then."

"I don't know if I consider this as good news or not, but there is a chance that you will go to the EU base after your three months holiday. I think this comes with advantages and disadvantages."