A Big Idiot

They didn't meet that day because Isabelle returned home after witnessing that. She couldn't face Evan anymore.

She returned to her room, looking at the usual furniture and layout. However, the light failed to reflect on her eyes as the room was dark in her vision despite the numerous lamps in the room.

The bed might be the only comfort she could get as the quilt closed her in.

She recalled when was the last time she got bullied and realized that Evan became a bully in the school not long after that. In other words, he had been protecting her for years.

'Why did he protect me?'

The only time they met was years ago, and it was a bad meeting. That was why she couldn't understand why Evan would go to this length.


A middle-aged man pushed the door open, finding a huge round bulge on the bed, covered with a quilt. Next to the bed, he found a chair and grabbed it before sitting on it, facing the bed.