



Evan kept shooting the magical beasts and killed around eighty monsters since the start. However, he felt that everything really took his stamina. Not only did he need to avoid all the attacks, but he also needed to keep running at full speed and aiming at them as accurately as possible.

Unlike Isabelle or Tasha, he had nothing to show in terms of marksmanship, including experiences.

"It has been almost one and a half hours since the start of this operation. Where is exactly the captain?" Evan screamed while moving a bit closer to the first depot. His bullets were almost empty, so he needed to get the ammunition he left in the first point.

As for the leader monster that had been chasing him was a Darwin Fox. If not because he kept shooting this animal, he might be able to wipe the rest of the magical beasts.

Using its speed, the Darwin Fox managed to keep his attention on him, allowing the others to attack Evan.