Shirotsuka Sanae

The next day.

"We are back." Evan and Kai arrived at school and greeted the girls as they seemed to have agreed upon something, especially with that serious look on their faces.

When they saw these two guys, they immediately dragged Evan to another room.

Alex could hear them saying we needed to make a plan for the fight and so on, but when they discussed the real matter, they stopped talking. Kai could hear them typing something but had no idea what they were writing about, so there was no chance of him knowing their plan.

"It seems the girls are going for a big plan this time." Shirotsuka Sanae, who never bothered about their matters, finally opened her mouth.

"Oh?! I have almost forgotten you are here, Teacher."

"Oi! I am still your instructor, you know. Well, I haven't been instructing you in your missions, so I can't really say anything."