
The next day, Kai and the others found Evan miserable. He looked exhausted and lacked sleep. Without even a single word, they knew what he just experienced.

Kai patted his shoulders a few times and said, "You've worked hard."

"It's a blessing in disguise," Michelle added, fully knowing what the souvenir that Kai gave yesterday.

Evan and Isabelle had broken through the last barrier due to their Zodiac Blood. Even Isabelle knew it was just a joke. And if it were true, what else could she do? She just wanted to talk it out, considering polygamy had become a norm in this era.

Evan hated and loved Kai at the same time. It was true that the medicine he brought was the one breaking that barrier, and the joke became the "reason" for them to finally take that step, but he thought he could do it with something more romantic.

Nonetheless, Evan still bowed and thanked him.