Natural Fortress

  "Alright, then." Kai stretched his hand while walking with Yuki.

"So, what is your plan? I can be your deputy for this defensive battle, you know." She smiled.

"I appreciate it." Kai nodded as his expression turned serious. "Before that, I want to ask about your experience in a defensive battle, especially in a fort battle."

"A fort?" She frowned and realized what Kai's plan was.


"You are planning to make a natural fortress?"

"Yes. Forty thousand people should be enough to make a natural fortress within two days." Kai nodded.

"Well, I have some experience, but I am not that good. Need more instruction from the boss." She shrugged. "It seems I am not fit to be your deputy."

"It's fine. I need your expertise. Besides, there is Sir Ethan's granddaughter here. If I add one or two officers from the soldiers, we should be able to manage the entire army." Kai waved his hand as if the problem they were facing was not a big deal.