First Clash

The shock wave that Kai and his army brought shook the other two armies. They were especially watching how Kai obliterated the enemies in front of him as if they never existed in the first place. He had yet to lose his pace since the beginning.

With Michelle beside him, he perfectly pierced through the enemy rank, opening their formation for the army behind him to widen it.

Kai kept checking the army's progress and watched their movement to know when to give the next order.

At the same time, the magical beasts that were not affected by his charge continued coming closer to the other two armies.

"Now! Split up into two groups and mess them up!" Kai shouted.

The soldiers quickly followed his order and spread it to the left and right. They delivered the shock wave to the side, forcing the enemies who mostly faced forward to collapse.

"Michelle! Give them a big one." Kai smiled while glancing at Michelle.