The Truth

"Well met."

"So, what did my daughter explain to you?"

"It's nothing important. We just discussed a few things in general, including the incident eleven years ago." This time, Mai was the one answering her father.

"I see." The Oni nodded. "Before that, just call me Ishii. No need for formality because we both are protectors. I will call you Kai in exchange."

"I understand. It's my pleasure to meet you, Ishii." Kai nodded with a calm expression.

"Likewise." Ishii smiled. He came out of the box, sitting on the floor. "Now, which one should I explain first… Which one do you want?"

"I want to confirm the person I care about first." Kai narrowed his eyes.

"It seems saving you was not a wrong decision back then." The guy smiled while closing his eyes. "I will just tell you my power. Well, it's the stronger version than what my daughter has, Mind Power. I am sure you have felt it, right?"

Kai nodded. "It's powerful."