
The next day, Kai and Sofia had arrived at the school. The building was similar to his school back in the US Base, but the scale was far larger as if it was for more students. The moment they entered, they found a giant field where many students actually fought against each other.

Right in front of him, the student took his breath away, not because of her beauty but due to her weapon.

"What's that?" Kai asked.

Sofia smiled and pointed at the white spider legs that were on her back. "That's also a part of the exoskeleton. You can say it's the extension. If the exoskeleton is normally used to defend your body from incoming harm and boost your physical abilities, those legs can actually be controlled to move together with you and become your weapon."

"Heh?" Kai narrowed his eyes as the technology piqued his interest.

"Can you see there is something on her neck, running through the back side of her cheek and connected to her head?"