Atlantis and Epic of Gilgamesh

After resting for the day and sorting out their thoughts, Arnaud and Jules had their memories removed and altered a few things to make them logical. They also had their bodies and devices checked to avoid any form of information leaving this place.

Kai didn't say anything the whole time to the point they saw someone using their Teleportation Magic to confuse them and leave them near their base, so it would be safe for them.

Since Kai assured them, Roselyn and Sofia knew they were going to be fine.

They finished not long after and the two girls were led by Devain and Leah to another place while Arba approached him.

"Yo!" Arba waved her hand and came to him casually. Despite yesterday's problem, she seemed not to get bothered anymore.

Kai simply shrugged and decided not to hold so much grudge to the point he was petty. After all, the problem wasn't that big of a deal.