

A thunderous sound echoed inside the room. Unfortunately, only two people were able to hear such a sound in this soundproof room. The one who slammed the table itself, France's Prime Minister, Oliver Jacquard, and a squid that was able to sit like a normal human.

The squid had red skin and used two of its tentacles as if they were human legs while the rest acted as his hands.

"That b*tch!" Oliver gnashed his teeth. Veins bulged on his forehead and his eyes were wide open as if they could fall any minute. His heart beat rapidly until he could listen to the beating sound in his eardrums, resonating with his organs.

His face looked like he wanted to say something, but it was so red that it made such a thing not possible.

Oliver simply fell silent with his hands on the table, clutching it as though he wanted to rip it apart.