Crown Jewel

Arba and Aston led him inside, where they first talked. The room remained the same and Arba seemed to become a bit lazier when she reached the room.

Kai saw her leaning her back on the wall while stretching her body with a yawn as if she planned to sleep.

Aston, on the other hand, glared at her while coughing. "Ahem, Arba. What are you doing?"

"We are going to have a long talk, you know. Why would you be that formal? It's not like this is a business talk or whatever." Arba shrugged and added, "Of course, if my king doesn't like me acting this way, I will talk to you politely."

Kai chuckled and said, "It's fine. Talk to me normally. It's not like there are any other people here, so you don't need to put a farce. Also, what I want to talk about is rather important, so if you can explain it to me in a way I can easily understand, that is enough for me."