Arba vs Mermaid Princess Part 2

When she was about to touch the water, her body suddenly stopped as a mysterious power wrapped her body. 

"What?!" Ilareca widened her eyes and turned to the side. 

Arba also noticed them as her tornado was interrupted and dispersed.

Suddenly, a man covered with black metal flew on top of the water at high speed. His left hand was hanging uselessly, but his right hand was above his head, planning to hit Ilareca. 

Ilareca struggled to the point she formed a hand to stop the man, but a hole suddenly appeared out of nowhere. She soon realized an arrow had just created that hole on the giant hand, allowing the man to arrive before her. 

She waved her staff and struck the man, but the latter had enough strength to push her back into the air.

"Kh." Ilareca spun her body. "Water Droplet. Obey me."