"Grandfather. Where is your friend?" I asked.
"Maybe they're coming late." He said and I nodded.
Then the waitress comes and takes our order for the drink. So I ordered one wine and one juice for my grandfather.
In a moment, the event started and the MC came out from the backstage. He welcomed all the guest and make some greeting speech to start the event.
As follow the protocol, the MC make an introduction for about the event and as well he invited the VVIP guest to give the speech. He asked the audience to give us an applause for the VVIP guest to make the entrance from the backstage.
Just then my eye's locked to the guests who coming out from the back stage.
The first man look like an elderly that I've known before and the young one beside was so stunning and attracted.
I've never seen a beautiful man like that before.
All his features was created by another level of perfection of male.
'There are they. My friend and his grandson Ye Hua, your fiancee.' My Grandpa said as he poked on my shoulders.
My eyes got widen as I known who was that's beautiful young man.
So he is Ye Hua?
The man that's Grandpa has chosen for me?
Oh, God.
Then turn to my grandpa in confused and I started to look around the crowd before my head turn to the two men on the stage that's currently giving a speech about the events.
Once I realise that this is not a dreams or an illusions. All my body went numb and freeze as my heart beat went shorter.
The two men on the stage was my grandpa friends and that stunning man, Zhang Ye Hua or should I called my fiancee.
Though we have been engaged by the elders but both of us never met before and I can believe the man that's I was admired on the stage just now was my stranger fiancee.
I closed my eyes as I remember how much I had been tried to avoid meeting my fiancee was a real wasted.
Ye Hua was really beautiful man.
It's was beyond if the imagination that I had thought before.
Then I got up and walk out to from the halls. I need a freshly air. Before I could reach the hall doorstep, one of my Grandpa guard caught up with me to fetch me back to the seat.
Oh no, to not caused the scene, so I followed
my bodyguard gotten back to my seat.
'Stay put on your seat, Xiao Feng.' My grandpa grumbles as soon as I gotten seated.
After a while the men on the stage finished their speech and the climaxes of events started. Just then a staff came to my grandpa and whispered somethings.
My grandpa got up and gestures me to follow him as well. So I held onto his arms and we both walked towards the back stage.
Oh no, I snap as I know where are we going to?