He slowed his pace and his breath. With methodical precision, his mind cut through the emotional emptiness and scanned the possibilities.
He took a swallow of the icy, clean liquid, and placed the sweating cup on the table.
Waited a few minutes as he gathered his thoughts.
Then turn back looking at Feng Qian in front of him.
Her soft deep eyes cut straight to his with little hesitation and a clearness that told him that hhis future wife would lose at any poker game, as she was brutally honest and unwilling to bluff.
And he recognized her gaze well though age had changed the clear colour of her was irresistibly attracted. Her eyes were startling against the inky black of her hair, which consisted of corkscrew curls that tumbled past her shoulders and framed her face with a natural wildness she seemed unable to tame. She surely the boss of herself and her high cheekbones set off a lush mouth.
He used to make a fun of her, if she'd been stung by a bee, then both of us crack up laughing.
But now, the joke was on him. Hot male use fantasies for a female who got a lips just like hers now and it had nothing to do with bees.
Otherwise was the heavenly honey.
Preferably warm, sticky honey poured over from her plump lips and slowly licked off.
Then Ye Hua reigned himself in and put to the end of his inspection. He remembered he had prank her when he found out she had to wear a bra.
At her early puberty developer, she'd been mortified by his discovery, and he'd used the grown up man knowledge wisely in past. But now, it wasn't funny anymore.
Since her chest were as lush as her mouth, and matched the curve of her hips.
She even was tall, almost reach to his shoulder, and this perfect of a female temptation came all wrapped up in a her camelia tank dress that emphasized her cleavage, skimmed over her hips, until fell to the floor.
As she remained still in her seat, as if allowing him to drink his fill before she decided to speak.
As Ye Hua fought past his discomposure and relied on professionalism to hide his reaction.
So his little girl, Bai Feng Qiu had grown up well and her feature was a little too well for his perfect senorita.
After that he offered her his normal smile that he'd offer anyone in his business associate per usual.
"Feng Qiu." Ye Hua finally speak up.
"Yes," She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.
Then, she shifted her feet and fisted her hands. Her word fell from her tempted lips in a low, smoky voice that stroked his ears. His pants tightened a notch and he realized her voice stroked other places as well.
He completely disconcerted by his reaction to a woman that he has think her as his little sister in past and now he focused on back to his composure and sat across from her.
They studied each other for a few moments and the silence lengthened. She plucked at the delicate gold bracelet encircling her wrist.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
Ye Hua nodded calmly.
"You know right this whole thing sounds very crazy. Are you agreeing to this arrangement?" She disclosed.
"Yeah, you know that we can't back out their arrangement. " I said and she turned sullen.