Author's notes

Hello everyone and thank you so much for browsing my historical-fiction novel. 

"Dharma of the ancient forgotten past" was written not just out of boredom or for fun but was written as an expression of my personal beliefs and longing of the ancient past of the Filipinos prior to the colonization of the western colonizers.

I know there are no concrete truth to whatever events you'll read in this novel because these were just created out of fantasy and imagination but somehow some of the details and other events may appear real and might have happened in the past in certain country, tribe or people but me as the author claim no intent of pin - pointing or narrating specifically any of those said similarities of any events that you as the reader may read in this novel.

Just as what I mentioned, this novel was written out of imagination and fantasy of the author in relation to expressing personal spiritual beliefs and longing of our Country's (The Philippines) rich forgotten past.

Why did I put the setting of the novel in the ancient past of the Philippines and I even gave this novel the title of "...ancient forgotten past" if there's no resemblance to real events that took place in the country that can be read in this novel?

My answer to above question is this:

Because I want to awaken the hearts of Filipinos to literature and patriotism and I want to spread the message to the world and tell them that my country Philippines was once very rich in culture, arts,  music, beliefs and traditions despite the diversities in many communities within the archipelago.

Actually there are many oral traditions and documented records that describe as to how does the country Philippines was like prior to the arrival of the Spaniards.

One of these are the records written by the scribe of the invader Fernando de Magallanes' (Ferdinand Magellan) by the name 'Antonio Pigafetta'. Pigafetta described in his records how do the islands called 'Islas de Felipenas' look like; not just description of the islands but also of the kingdoms, tribes and people that dwelt in these islands.

There are many other documents as well that talk about the past of the Phlippine islands but I will just leave it to you as your personal assignment for research because once again, most of the stories and events you'll read in this novel are just fiction.

Today many Filipinos forgot what happened to their ancestors; how the invaders raped them and destroyed our culture and what is sad, most of the Filipinos today are not aware and the majority doesn't even know that the ancestors of the past did their best to preserve all what they have.

There are many sources to read even online but only few bother to look for these sources because the fire of patriotism in the hearts of many Filipinos is slowly dying.

I want to remind the world that we had our rich ancient past though forgotten but slowly remembered as time passed by.

In this novel, you may find terminologies that seems familiar to you because some of these terminologies were taken from historical events and from religious books specifically mostly from the Vedic literatures which were written in 'Sanskrit' language.

I want to share to the world and to the modern Filipinos that once our country had a rich culture influenced by vedic India and the common beliefs people practice were Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) and Buddhism prior to the advent of Islam and Christianity.

You may encounter as well names of groups of people, tribes, kingdoms, historical icons and deities from vedic literature, Philippine legends, history and folklores. I used some of them in the novel retaining their original descriptions and stories but it doesn't really mean that any actions mentioned in the novel were done by any of these entities I mentioned.

To explain above disclaimer,  let's say for example;

One event in the story the divine deity Shiva spoke with the main character Akash. This didn't happen in reality because as what I mentioned, what I wrote are just product of my imagination and expression of my personal beliefs.

In addition, the divine deity 'Shiva' is a real entity while 'Akash' being the main character in this novel is a product of imaginative mind.


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