The God of Life Laxnos*

"Open your eyes," the sound of a soft voice floats into my ears. At the same time, a violent tremor of electricity seems to run straight through my body. Almost as if it was waking me up.

My eyes fly open!

Where was I?

…had I not died?

If I was dead, then why could I hear a voice? Why could I open my eyes?!

At that moment it felt like my mind had been rammed by a roaring train. A torrential flood of information poured into my mind. Emotion after emotions ran through my body, and then they all seemed to fade into nothingness.

Blinking a few times, I found myself sitting at a table, and someone was sitting directly across from me. Soon the almost hazy film over my eyes cleared and I could see.

However, my death wasn't the only shocking thing at that moment. The person across from me was a man, but he wasn't…human. Instead, he sported two horns that were ivory white, and from his back. I counted four wings. All of his body was a blinding white, but the white seemed to have a tone to it, and that made him almost seem ethereal.

Just who…

"Can you see me?" He asks, but his mouth doesn't move. Instead, it sounded like someone was whispering directly into the deepest parts of my brain. The feeling was hair raising and made the hair on my arms stand to attention.

I noticed then that in his hand he had a teacup and he brought it to his mouth and began to drink from it.

Just what was going on right now?!

My brain wasn't processing anything!

"Calm down, child," he spoke again, and a calm indeed washed over my body. It quieted the ragging emotions and thoughts that swarmed my head.

His eyes opened, and I felt the air being sucked from my lungs. A boundless starry sky was reflected in his eyes. It was as if I was getting a glimpse into the endless void of creation.

A shiver ran up my spine.

He closed his eyes. The feeling of awe and fear subsided.

I wanted to open my mouth to say something to him, but I quickly decided to just shut my mouth. Then open it and close it again. I repeated the action a few more times like a fish floundering out of water.

"Child, breath. If you have something to say voice your thoughts, you wouldn't be punished. We are a benevolent god," he says again.

I mulled over what he said, but in the end, my curiosity won out and I spoke up.

"Then tell me, am I dead?"

He placed the teacup in his hand down onto the table. It made the tiniest of clinking sounds as it touched the table.

"You are dead, but only your physical flesh. I plucked your soul up! The soul is the most important part, it's what gives a body of flesh that spark of life." As he spoke to me, his mouth still hadn't open, but it did stretch into a grand smile.

The smile reached all the way to his ears and even caused his eyes that were closed to turn into crescent moons.

Sucking in a breath, I place my head onto the table. That meant that my memories were real and that I'd died in the horrible way that I remember.

Letting out a sigh, I pull my head up and sink deeper into the chair that I'm sitting in.

"Who are you then?" I ask the man, who's proclaimed himself to be a 'god.'

He raised his white hands and clapped them together.

"We've been waiting for you to ask that," he clear his throat and speaks, "We're the God of Life Laxnos, we are at your service," he says waving his hands and a bright flash of light sparkles behind him.

"Heh," I choke out as I look at him.

"Oh dear, have we caused you some shock? We thought that this would be easier if you met a God, are we perhaps wrong?" The man, that proclaimed himself to be a god, asks.

"I don't think anything about this wouldn't cause me a shock!" I couldn't help but heave a giant sigh, this was all too stressful.

He looked like he'd been thrown for a loop, his eyes were still closed, but his face was quite expressive nonetheless. It was saying that he simply hadn't expected this response. Which lead me to wonder just what in the world he thought that my response would be…

Without letting that stop him for more than a minute, he raised the cup of tea that he had in his hand to his lips and took a small sip. Before placing it back down onto the table.

"When someone dies, or rather when someone special dies, such as yourself, we sometimes decided to take that soul and reincarnate it into our world," he slowly explained.

"What do you mean 'our world'? Are you saying that we're no longer on earth?"

"There are many worlds, your world the world that you come from was as you coined Earth. The God's and Goddess that once held rule over your world have all left, either from death or lack of faith from you humans, they so lovingly created. Your world still has the reincarnation cycle they created. Meaning that you would have been reborn again," he explains with a slight grin.

"Then you're saying that you're not a God of Earth?"

"Precisely my dear, I am a God from a place know as Tenebrae, the world is a lot like something out of a video game that your people would have created," he smirks.

Tenebrae… a video game-like world…

"I don't understand, you've apparently pulled me from the reincarnation cycle on earth and brought me here to this world that you rule over to be one of its residents?" I ask him.

"That's the whole of it, our world accepts all that has caught the eye of a God. Our world! Which is one of magic and monsters. Still has those that worship the Gods and Goddess. We are still strong and in our youth. I've brought you over at the behest of a few Gods, they've decided that your soul would be a great addition to help us seek an end to a problem," he says drinking more tea.

A problem that a God or Goddess couldn't solve?! Just what in the world did they expect me to do? How could I solve a problem when I'm nothing more than a human, that was brought over by them?

"What- "I begin to ask but he raises a finger.

"We'd love to get into the detail with you darling, however, we haven't much time. I'll be sending you on your way, and as a special gift for being a reincarnated person. I've sent you along with three special skills. We hope they help with the transition into our world!

Please, grow healthy and strong with your new family. We'd love for you to come and talk to us again if you ever need anything please feel free to come and visit us at a Temple. We'll always make time for you!" He says with a wave of its hand, and with that, I felt the world start to blur.

It was almost as if my consciousness was fading in and out. There were plenty of more questions that I wanted to ask him. But I was so tired, and I felt my mind going numb... I feel so sleepy.