A Babys Nine to Five*

It's been about two weeks since I'd been reborn as a baby. To be honest, there wasn't much that you did as a baby. Other than normal stuff that babies did...sleep. Life for the most part of pretty uneventful. The only thing that I got to do was tag along with my parents.

As a matter of fact, at the moment I was sitting on my Father's Lap. For the most part after being born I'd never left my Father or Mother's side or sight. They didn't seem keen on letting me go anywhere without either of them. My Mother hadn't spent much time recuperating after giving birth to me.

Although I had found out instead of being born into a human family, I'd been born into a monster family. Well to be exact a family of pure-blood vampires. I had not found that tidbit of information out in the best way either.

It had come time for me to be feed and instead of giving me a bottle or breastfeeding me, she'd sliced her finger and popped it into my mouth. Because I was still a small baby and didn't have teeth yet, she'd done that.

To be honest, it didn't really taste that bad at all. I'd drank my fill before she'd taken her finger away.

"Hol!" My father's voice woke me up from my thoughts, turning my head I turn to glance at him. He had a dumb goofy smile on his face as he tried to tickle my cheek with his finger. I open my mouth and bite down on that finger, although it did him no damage. Since I still didn't have any teeth...yet!

I couldn't vent my displeasure for being treated like a baby through inflicting pain. Plus, I doubt even if I could, I had a feeling that my Father was insanely strong.

He simply laughs and moves his finger from my mouth. I frown at him.

"Do you want Daddy to read you a story darling girl?" He asks me in a somewhat childish baby talk voice, I couldn't help but scoff at him.

How I loathed being treated as if I was a child.

Apart from the time, I spend sleeping. Almost all my time was spent learning from my Mother and Father. Being with them all the time, I had learned that my family was indeed quite well off. We were at least on the level of an aristocratic family or something that was just as powerful.

My Mother talked exactly like that of a haughty Queen from movies I'd watched in my previous world. Yet unlike those haughty queens that were nothing more than beauties with no power. My mother was both a beauty and a genius at everything.

There were, of course, a few gossip mongers among the maid that would attend to me. I'd learned that my Mother indeed came from nobility, she was the fourth daughter of the Matriarch of Vampires.

It would seem that in this world, or at least for Vampires, that woman are the ones that lineage and history are traced through.

My father was also from another noble family, but it would seem that in marrying my mother he'd married up. However, it also seems that their marriage wasn't as many believe to be for political gain.

From observing the two he genuinely seemed to care deeply for my Mother.

"What do you want to hear darling? How about the story about how the world Tenebrae came to be or would you like to hear the heroic deeds of your dear daddy?" He puffs out his chest at the end and I shake my head.

We are currently sitting in a room that is filled to the brim with books. It was my Father's private study. A desk full of papers and pens sat in front of us, but he didn't seem to be interested in the work that he had to do.

I really want to hear about the story of the world and just how it came to be. But I was trying to figure out how to express that to my Father…

A light bulb went off when I thought of a way to get what I want.

Raising my small fist, I hit it down onto my father's leg. He raises an eyebrow and I hit him again and give him a pointed look.

"Are you trying to tell me that you want the first story? He asks me still with a raised eyebrow.

Thoroughly pleased with myself, I raise my hand again and hit his leg.


"You're my smart little girl, aren't you?" He teases me as he taps my nose slightly. Also feeling pretty pleased, I can't help but beam up at him.

Clearing his throat, he looks down at me and begins his story.

"The world of Tenebrae was not created by the thirteen gods that we worship. It was a world that was created on its own. A natural born dungeon world! The thirteen gods originally are being that stumbled across this world and decided to make it their new home.

Before the god's arrived, the world of Tenebrae was not inhabited by creatures like you and me. It was a world full of great monsters that ruled. The Gods descended upon this world and began to conquer this dungeon world, they managed to clear out a large part of the surface of the world.

Then they began to create the ten races. Which are divided into tiers: Higher Races, Middle Races, and Lower Races. Although there are thirteen original gods. Three of the original thirteen gods decided that they wouldn't create a race of beings. The three Gods and Goddesses that refrained from creating a race in their image are Lorrissa the Goddess of Space, Utos the God of Time, and Dnehsyn the God of Peace.

We, the Vampires, are created in the image of the Goddess of Death, Muheia.

That is why we've been blessed with our immortality. She blesses each of us, it's the same for the other ten races that we're created by the other Gods and Goddess. Each of the races receives the blessing of their creator.

After the creation of the ten races the Gods and Goddess, our Mother's and Father's, left us with a command, as the child of our creators we're bound to listen and heed the command.

「Go forth and conquer this dungeon world in our place! 」

Which thus began the great race for control of the dungeon's, each race began their conquest to defeat a dungeon. In the world, there are three major types of dungeons that exist. There are the dungeon towers, which rest on the uppermost part of the world.

Your Mother has conquered the Dungeon Tower of the city that we live in. Of course, your dear daddy was also there to help her accomplish this feat, along with our party members. However, because your mother was the leader and the one that laid the final blow to the Boss, she claims control of the tower.

That was also how your dear daddy lost his eye!

That command was issued thousands of years ago. It's been a long time since either I or your Mother have gone to conquer a dungeon," he pauses, and I find myself hanging on every word.

Just as the God of Life had promised this world was a world of magic and monster. I felt my blood boil the more and more I learned.

"Your brothers, on the other hand, have made their own exploits and have conquered between them multiple dungeon towers.

Other than dungeon towers, there are also the dungeon gates. These are the passages ways to the underground, World dungeon. This is the dungeon that spans the whole entire world and heads down like a massive labyrinth.

The world dungeon is made of individual floors. No knows just how many floors one has to go down but the furthest down anyone has made it is the 45th floor. At the moment, all the races are trying their best to head down further into the world dungeon. There are all sorts of rumors about what rests at the bottom of the world dungeon on the final floor.

Some say that there is a chance to become a god. Others say that the true god of this world rest at the bottom of the world. Others even believe that clearing the dungeon will result at the end of this world.

Many have gone and lost their lives in pursuit of clearing the world dungeon. We're only on the 45th floor, and no one knows how many more there will be. However, it doesn't matter as long as we can venture down into the dungeon, one day we will clear it," he chuckles.

With that, it seems to be the end of the story that he was telling me. We sat in a comfortable silence after that and I just churned over the information that I had just gotten.

It felt like someone had lit a fire deep in my stomach.

I knew one thing for sure. I wanted to go and conquer the dungeon! The thought of battle seemed to be singing to me in my blood. Something inside me thirsted for battle.

My father watched me, seeming to let me mull over the information that he'd given.

Both of my parents had the habit to let me do that, they didn't seem to be too surprised that I was interested in this information. That could be due to the fact that I was born to the Vampire race, instead of to the human race.

It seems that there might be a difference in intelligence between the two, as far as it went when it came to children and babies of the two races. But that was all I could surmise from the information that I'd obtained from my two lifetimes.

Granted, I didn't remember anything about being a baby as a human. I could only go off of the information that I had gotten from watching other babies and their interactions.

"Well Hollis my darling, are you intrigued about dungeons and conquest. But don't forget that you're Father not only was an adventure but also a merchant," he said as he pinched my cheek slightly.

I let out a 'wha' at his pulling. He chuckles and let's go of my cheek.

Stingy Father, when had he mentioned that he was a merchant? I thought to myself, I also, thought that I'd been born to a pleasant family.

"Shall I tell you of my exploits in dungeon stores," I sighed but still listen to my Father as he explained more and more of the world around me. Sinking into his lap, I listen to his warm voice that paints colorful imagery of the world.

I think that I might enjoy this new world.