The Priest

We'd quickly arrived at the pantheon of the Gods, this was a building or temple to say that was located within the center of the town, it'd been erected just a block away from the entrance of the dungeon tower.

These dungeon towers were the main source of revenue for towns, these were dungeons that had been defeated, but that didn't mean that you couldn't still enter them. They were still active, just under the control of the person that had cleared them. In the case of the dungeon tower that was in my city, my mother held control of it.

Which resulted in her being the mayor in charge of this city. Every city was generally built around a dungeon tower, or around the entrance to a world dungeon.

Dungeon towers are generally used by guilds to teach and strength adventures, not only that but shops are generally constructed around or inside some of the floors of the dungeon towers for adventures.

Dungeon towers are rich in raw materials and other things that draw merchants and people to them. They were basically beacon's of civilization.

The carriage came to a stop a little way away from the entrance of the temple, the temple was abuzz with activity and people. Every child that was of age was to attend the ceremony and have their status page awaken. This was the first step to becoming a member of society.

It was like a rite of passage, of course, each race had other rites of passage, however, this was a rite that everyone had to go through. There were no racial divides in this rite.

Stepping outside of the carriage, I got a better view of the temple. It was the size of a mega mall, like back in my previous life. It was made completely out of white marble, there were some black figures that had been erected around the temples, these were statues of the Gods and Goddess of this world.

We'd arrived slightly early for the ceremony, but that didn't mean that we were the first ones there. Looking around at all the other people that we're walking into the temple, I breathed in a sharp breath.

This was the first time that I'd seen so many different races in one place, I normally was only surrounded by other Vampires. But around me right now, we're elves, dwarves and even people that had cat ears and tails. I spotted some other races as well, but I didn't know the names of all the races.

The children were all dressed in the finest clothes, it was similar to an award ceremony. Glancing to my side, I saw that Salem's normally impassive face has a small smile on it. However, once he saw me looking at him, he quickly ducks his head.

He was quite handsome when he smiles, I felt my heart give a small flutter. Although he wasn't looking at me, he held out his hand, and I look at his face, but he doesn't move.

Finally catching onto what he meant, I grasp his hand and his big hand closes around my tiny one. I felt warm inside at his kind gesture.

My Father came around the carriage and glances at me and Salem, before giving me a wink. He held out a hand for my Mother to take as she steps out of the carriage.

As she steps down onto the stone ground, a wave of silence passes over the crowd, and then it erupts into a soft sort of whisper as people began to talk amongst themselves.

"… Lady Emberlynn…"

"…her daughter's five…

"…practically a spitting image of her mother…"

"…she's so beautiful and powerful…"

I could hear fragments parts of people's conversations, there were too many going on all at one time, it was enough to make my head hurt.

Glancing at my Mother, I notice that she doesn't seem to be bothered at all by the whispers that are being circulated. Instead, she seems to eat them up. She straightens her back even more, and the sparkling silver-ivory dress of hers seems to sparkle like a diamond.

"Lady Emberlynn!" A man's voice broke the hushed conversations and disturbed the almost soft buzz of sound. I turn my head and notice a man, or rather a priest was muscling his way through the crowd of people.

He was dressed in a simple pair of pants and a shirt, that was all black. A small necklace wrapped around his neck had the symbol of a tree on it. The priest has ash-grey hair, that isn't from age.

That symbol was the tree of life, perhaps he was a priest related to the Goddess of Nature Adoraia. Looking at him, I didn't see anything that would indicate that this man was of the Elves. Normally the Elves were the ones that worshiped Adoraia, most of the time the races respectively only worshiped their own God or Goddess.

It was strange to find a person that didn't worship their creator. In this world, there was only one religion, per say, and that was to worship the Gods and Goddess that created you. However, people generally pledge loyalty to one God or Goddess.

Although, some choose to respectively respect and give thanks to all the Gods and Goddess. My Father follows that Ideology, whereas my Mother was devoted wholeheartedly to the Goddess of Death. It was common that almost all Vampires worship Muheia. She was the one that gave us eternal life.

The crowd closer to my mother began to part as the man approaches us. He arrives promptly in front of us and quickly gives my Mother and Father a bow.

"Lady Emberlynn, Sir Horace," once he was finished bowing, he addresses both of my parents. The crowd began to whisper even more at the priest greeting my Mother and Father.

My mother held out her hand and the priest gently picks up her hand and kisses it slightly. My father gives an annoyed look and draws her closer to him, with his hand around her waist. Basically, molding my mother's body around his own.

An airy smile drifts onto her face," Cassius, it's been a long while," her voice was soft almost like how a hunter talks to its prey before they'll slit its neck.

"Indeed, Lady Emberlynn. If you'd let me, I'll escort your family into the pantheon," he spoke again and waits for her response. He was a good-looking man, but something about him set me on edge.

It was as if he wasn't as good as he came across to be as if something was hidden deep within that look that wasn't as he showed himself to be. I felt uncomfortable around him, it wasn't something that I liked at all.

The whole area had quieted, it was as if they were waiting tentatively for the answer.

"That would be delightful," she replies as she inclines her head ever so slightly.

A huge smile slides onto the face of the man, Cassius, he turns, and my Mother and Father start to follow behind him. The crowd was parting ever so slightly, enough for us to make our way as we go.

Salem squeezes my hand slightly and we follow suit and walk behind our parents. Easily snaking our way through the crowd. Our group made it quickly to the staircase of the pantheon. The beautiful white marble greeted us.

Our group climbs the stair and we head forward towards the entrance of the grand pantheon. We easily bypassed the stream of people that were heading into the pantheon. Being quickly escorted through the long lines of people flittering into the huge sanctum.

At the ceiling of the sanctum hung a huge chandelier, it was glowing with all sorts of colors, much like a rainbow. But within that rainbow, black flames lick the side of the chandelier. It was as if warm darkness was reaching out from the flame towards me.

'Ah… the child has arrived. You've grown quite well, what has it been five years?' A soft voice whispers in my ear.

Jerking my head around, I look to see if anyone is standing near me. However, I can't see anyone, the only person next to me is Salem. Who's currently watching the back of our parents.

I heard a voice; it was so close and real. It was as if someone had been whispering directly into my ears. It was a strange sort of sensation and almost a violation.

But I didn't see anyone or feel anyone near me other than my family.